Christmas Eve in Pulaski, Virginia
I’ve been here in Dublin, Virginia, since Monday (12/22/03). My friends there worry I will be sad or grieve for love lost, but hell, it was lost five years ago…I just didn’t know it. As for sadness, it’s not here at all. The sadness I’ve experienced was during the time he and I were together. Now it’s gone replaced with the peace of knowing I’m fine, really content with the unknown tomorrows I meet every day of my life. I awake to a new morning, feeling the joy and excitement of another day the Creator graciously allots me. Life is good, life is rich in friends…and I am satisfied more than I ever thought I could be.
Richmond is a memory. I left it Monday running to the mountains just as hard as I could legally go and to the people I truly love. The first glimpse of a mountaintop in Charlottesville brings me to tears. I miss my “home” so much! Can’t wait to be there!!
Today, the air was cold even in the sunshine, and the wind cut though my warm clothing while I walked in town. Earlier snows this month left their mark in the icy piles in the parking lots and near driveways throughout the community. My town is Pulaski, Virginia, seven miles down the road from Dublin, just a dot on the map, an old, frontier railroad town full of the hardy descendents of Irish Paddies, Scottish Micks, and lovely Italians who provided the sweet mandolin tunes prevalent in our native Bluegrass Music. Strong, down to earth people, blue and purple mountains, bright blue or gray snow-threatening skies, a small, close knit community…what’s not to love here?? God! I’m so fortunate!
Merry Christmas to all from the gentle mountains of Virginia! Hope your holiday is as sweet as mine!